



官方网页 科教人文:Segrè,Daniel

官方网页科教人文Segrè,Daniel个人资料、作品Segrè,Daniel个人资料,教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 Ph.D., Life Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Sciencer M.Sc., Physics, University of Trieste 研究领域


个人简历Ph.D., Life Sciences, Weizmann Institute of SciencerM.Sc., Physics, University of Trieste研究领域”systems biology, evolution of biochemical networks, genomics, metabolic engineering, microbial ecology””Research AreasrWe are interested in the evolutionary dynamics of biological networks, in particular in the interplay between response to genetic and environmental perturbations, genomic-level functional organization, and optimal adaptation. Our goals include developing constraint-based models to study the regulatory and evolutionary dynamics of metabolic networks across different organisms, cell types, and interacting cell populations.”””近期论文Klitgord N, Segre D (2010). Environments that induce synthetic microbial ecosystems. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(11): e1001002.Riehl WJ, Krapivsky P, Redner S, SegreD (2010). Signatures of Arithmetic Simplicity in Metabolic Network Architecture. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(4): e1000725.Mazumdar V, Snitkin E, Amar S, Segre D (2009). Metabolic network model of a human oral pathogen. Journal of Bacteriology, Jan; 191(1), 74-90.Snitkin ES, Dudley AM, Janse DM, Wong K, Church GM, Segre D (2008). Model-driven analysis of experimentally determined growth phenotypes for 465 yeast gene deletion mutants under 16 different conditions. Genome Biology, 9:R140.Wright MA, Kharchenko P, Church GM, Segrè D. (2007). Chromosomal periodicity of evolutionarily conserved gene pairs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104 (25), 10559-10564.Raymond J, Segrè D. (2006). The effect of oxygen on biochemical networks and the evolution of complex life, Science, 311, 1764-1767.Segrè D, De Luna A, Church GM, Kishony R. (2005). Modular epistasis in yeast metabolism, Nature Genetics, 37(1), 77-83.Segrè D, Vitkup D, Church GM. (2002). Analysis of optimality in natural and perturbed metabolic networks,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99(23), 15112-15117.Segrè D, Ben-Eli D, Deamer DW, Lancet D. (2001). The Lipid World, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 31, 119-145.




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