



官方网页 科教人文:Samuelson,JohnC.

官方网页科教人文Samuelson,JohnC.个人资料、作品Samuelson,JohnC.个人资料,教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 Samuelson J, Robbins PW. 2014. Effects of N-glycan precursor length diversity on quality control of protein folding and on protein glycosylation. Semin Cell Dev Biol 41:121-128. PMID: 25475176 Haserick JR, Leon D, Samuelson J, Costello CE. 20


近期论文Samuelson J, Robbins PW. 2014. Effects of N-glycan precursor length diversity on quality control of protein folding and on protein glycosylation. Semin Cell Dev Biol 41:121-128. PMID: 25475176Haserick JR, Leon D, Samuelson J, Costello CE. 2017. N-glycans of Cryptosporidium parvum contain a single mannose arm, are barely processed in the ER or Golgi, and show a strong bias for sites with threonine. Mol Cell Proteomics 16:S42-S53. PMID: 28179475Chatterjee A, Ratner DM, Ryan CM, Johnson PJ, O’Keefe BR, Secor WE, Anderson DJ, Robbins PW, Samuelson J. 2015. Anti-Retroviral Lectins Have Modest Effects on Adherence of Trichomonas vaginalis to Epithelial Cells In Vitro and on Recovery of Tritrichomonas foetus in a Mouse Vaginal Model. PLoS One 10:e0135340. PMID: 26252012Bandini G, Haserick JR, Motari E, Ouologuem DT, Lourido S, Roos DS, Costello CE, Robbins PW, Samuelson J. 2016. O-fucosylated glycoproteins form assemblies in close proximity to the nuclear pore complexes of Toxoplasma gondii. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113:11567-11572. PMID: 27663739Samuelson J, Bushkin GG, Chatterjee A, Robbins PW. 2013. Strategies to discover the structural components of cyst and oocyst walls. Eukaryot Cell 12:1578-1587. PMID: 24096907Chatterjee A, Carpentieri A, Ratner DM, Bullitt E, Costello CE, Robbins PW, Samuelson J. 2010. Giardia cyst wall protein 1 is a lectin that binds curled fibrils of the GalNAc homopolymer. PLoS Pathogens 6: e1001059. PMID: 20808847Bushkin GG, Motari E, Carpentieri A, Dubey JP, Costello CE, Robbins PW, Samuelson J. 2013. Evidence for a structural role for acid-fast lipids in oocyst walls of Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, and Eimeria. MBio 4:e00387-13. PMID: 24003177Bushkin GG, Motari E, Magnelli P, Gubbels MJ, Dubey JP, Miska KB, Bullitt E, Costello CE, Robbins PW, Samuelson J. 2012. β-1,3-glucan, which can be targeted by drugs, forms a trabecular scaffold in the oocyst walls of Toxoplasma and Eimeria. MBio 3:e00258-12. PMID: 23015739Chatterjee A, Bandini G, Motari E, Samuelson J. 2015. Ethanol and isopropanol in concentrations present in hand sanitizers sharply reduce excystation of Giardia and Entamoeba and eliminate oral infectivity of Giardia cysts in gerbils. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 59:6749-6754. PMID: 26282413Aqeel Y, Rodriguez R Chatterjee A, Ingalls RR, Samuelson J. 2017. Killing of diverse eye pathogens (Acanthamoeba castellanii, Fusarium solani, and Chlamydia trachomatis) with alcohols. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11:e0005382 PMID: 2818267




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