



官方网页 科教人文:Rotjan,Randi

官方网页科教人文Rotjan,Randi个人资料、作品Rotjan,Randi个人资料,研究助理 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 Burmester EM, JR Finnerty, L Kaufman, and RD Rotjan. 2017. Temperature and symbiosis affect lesion recovery in experimentally wounded facultatively symbiotic temperate corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 570: 87-99. DeFilippo L, EM Burmes


近期论文Burmester EM, JR Finnerty, L Kaufman, and RD Rotjan. 2017. Temperature and symbiosis affect lesion recovery in experimentally wounded facultatively symbiotic temperate corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 570: 87-99.DeFilippo L, EM Burmester, L Kaufman, and RD Rotjan. 2016. Patterns of surface lesion recovery in the northern star coral, Astrangia poculata. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 481: 15-24.Kemp DW, DJ Thornhill, RD Rotjan, R Iglesias-Prieto, WK Fitt, and GW Schmidt. 2015. Spatially-distinct and regionally-endemic Symbiodinium assemblages in the threatened Caribbean reef-building coral Orbicella faveolata. Coral Reefs 34: 535.Mangubhai, S, AM Strauch, DO Obura, G Stone, and RD Rotjan. 2014. Short-term changes of fish assemblages observed in the near-pristine reefs of the Phoenix Islands. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24(2): 505-518.Rotjan RD, R Jamieson, B Carr, L Kaufman, S Mangubhai, D Obura, R Pierce, B Rimon, B Ris, S Sandin, P Shelley, R Sumaila, S Taei, H Tausig, T Teroroko, S Thorrold, B Wikgren, T Toatu, and G Stone. 2014. Establishment, management, and maintenance of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area. In: Johnson, ML and J Sandell. 2014. Advances in Marine Biology: Marine Managed Areas and Fisheries, vol. 69 289-324.Dimond JL, AH Kerwin, RD Rotjan, K Sharp, FJ Stewart, and DJ Thornhill. 2013. A simple temperature-based model predicts the upper latitudinal limit of the temperate coral Astrangia poculata. Coral Reefs 32(2): 401-409.Rotjan RD and JA Idjadi. 2013. Surf and Turf: Toward better synthesis by cross-system understanding. Oikos 122(2): 285-287.Rotjan RD, JR Chabot, and SM Lewis. 2010. Social context of shell acquisition in Coenobita clypeatus hermit crabs. Behavioral Ecology 21(3): 639-646.




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