



官方网页 科教人文:Guenther,Frank

官方网页科教人文Guenther,Frank个人资料、作品Guenther,Frank个人资料,教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 PhD, Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA, 1993r MS, Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1987r BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1986 研究领域


个人简历PhD, Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA, 1993rMS, Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1987rBS, Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1986研究领域”””Areas of InterestrNeural modeling and imaging of the neural processes underlying syllable production in neurologically normal individuals and individuals with spasmodic dysphonia.rNeural modeling and imaging of the neural processes underlying the learning of new speech sounds by neurologically normal individuals and individuals who stutter.rDevelopment of an electroencephalography-based brain-computer interface that allows patients suffering from locked-in syndrome to control software applications on a computer.rDevelopment of invasive brain-computer interfaces involving cortical implants.rrResearch AreasrFrank Guenther’s research combines theoretical modeling with behavioral and neuroimaging experiments to characterize the neural computations underlying speech and language. Guenther is also involved in the development of brain-machine interfaces to restore communication to individuals suffering from locked-in syndrome, characterized by complete paralysis with intact cognition.”””近期论文Guenther, F.H., Cai, S., Ghosh, S.S., and Perkell, J.S. “Focal Manipulations of Formant Trajectories Reveal a Role of Auditory Feedback in the Online Control of Both Within-Syllable and Between-Syllable Speech Timing” Journal of Neuroscience . 31 (16483-90). (2011)rrGuenther, F.H., Golfinopoulos, E., and Tourville, J.A. “The Integration of Large-Scale Neural Network Modeling and Functional Brain Imaging in Speech Motor Control” NeuroImage . 52 (862-874). (2010)rrGuenther, F.H., Brumberg, J.S., Wright, E.J., Nieto-Castanon, A., Tourville, J.A., Panko, M., Law, R., Siebert, S.A., Bartels, J.L., Andreasen, D.S., Ehirim, P., Mao, H., and Kennedy, P.R. “A Wireless Brain-Machine Interface for Real-Time Speech Synthesis” PLoS ONE . 4 (12). (2009)rrGuenther, F.H., Ghosh, S.S., and Tourville, J.A. “Neural Modeling and Imaging of the Cortical Interactions Underlying Syllable Production Brain and Language . 96 (280-301). (2006)




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