官方网页 科教人文:Grossberg,Stephen
官方网页科教人文Grossberg,Stephen个人资料、作品Grossberg,Stephen个人资料,教授,-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 Ph.D., Mathematics, Rockefeller University 研究领域
个人简历Ph.D., Mathematics, Rockefeller University研究领域”””Areas of InterestrVision, audition, language, learning and memory, reward and motivation, cognition, development, sensory-motor control, mental disorders, applications.rResearch AreasrMy colleagues and I have pioneered and developed a number of the fundamental principles, mechanisms, and architectures that form the foundation for contemporary neural network research, particularly those which enable individuals to adapt successfully in real-time to unexpected environmental changes. Such models have been used both to analyse and predict interdisciplinary data about mind and brain, and to suggest novel architectures for technological applications. Current research ranges from perception through cognition and cognitive-emotional interactions to sensory-motor planning and control, in both normal individuals and mental patients. Recent models quantitatively link the neurophysiologically recorded dynamics of neurons, in anatomically validated networks, to the behaviors that their interactions control. Applications are made as spinoffs of these novel biological designs.”””近期论文Cao, Y., Grossberg, S., and Markowitz, J. “How does the brain rapidly learn and reorganize view- and positionally-invariant object representations in inferior temporal cortex?” Neural Networks. 24: 1050-1061. (2011)rrGrossberg, S. and Kazerounian, S. “Laminar cortical dynamics of conscious speech perception: A neural model of phonemic restoration using subsequent context in noise” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 130: 440-460. (2011)rrGrossberg, S., Leveille, J., and Versace, M. “How do object reference frames and motion vector decomposition emerge in laminar cortical circuits?” Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 73: 1147-1170. (2011)rrGrossberg, S., Srihasam, K., and Bullock, D. “Neural dynamics of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement coordination during visual tracking of unpredictably moving targets” Neural Networks.(2011, available online)rrGrossberg, S., and Vladusich, T. “How do children learn to follow gaze, share joint attention, imitate their teachers, and use tools during social interactions?” Neural Networks. 23: 940-965. (2010)rrMhatre, H., Gorchetchnikov, A., and Grossberg, S. “Grid cell hexagonal patterns formed by fast self-organized learning within entorhinal cortex” Hippocampus. DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20901 (2010)rrHuang, T.R., and Grossberg, S. “Cortical dynamics of contextually-cued attentive visual learning and search: Spatial and object evidence accumulation” Psychological Review. (2010)rrLeveille, J., Versace, M., and Grossberg, S. “Running as fast as it can: How spiking dynamics form object groupings in the laminar circuits of visual cortex” Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 28, 323, 346. (2010)rrBrowning, A., Grossberg, S., and Mingolla, M. “Cortical dynamics of navigation and steering in natural scenes: Motion-based object segmentation, heading, and obstacle avoidance” Neural Networks. 22: 1383-1398. (2009)rrFang, L. and Grossberg, S. “From stereogram to surface: How the brain sees the world in depth”Spatial Vision. 22: 45-82. (2009)rrFazl, A., Grossberg, S., and Mingolla, E. “View-invariant object category learning, recognition, and search: How spatial and object attention are coordinated using surface-based attentional shrouds”Cognitive Psychology. 58: 1-48. (2009)
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