



官方网页 科教人文:Dill,Dan

官方网页科教人文Dill,Dan个人资料、作品Dill,Dan个人资料,教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 B.A., Boston University S.M., Ph.D., University of Chicago 近期论文 Electron‐molecule scattering and molecular photoionization using the multiple‐scattering methodr r D Dill, JL Dehmerr r The Journal of Chemical Physics 61 (2), 692-69


个人简历B.A., Boston UniversityS.M., Ph.D., University of Chicago近期论文Electron‐molecule scattering and molecular photoionization using the multiple‐scattering methodrrD Dill, JL DehmerrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 61 (2), 692-699 470 1974rrMolecular effects on inner‐shell photoabsorption. K‐shell spectrum of N2rrJL Dehmer, D DillrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 65 (12), 5327-5334 354 1976rrAngular momentum transfer in the theory of angular distributionsrrU Fano, D DillrrPhysical Review A 6 (1), 185 325 1972rrShape resonances in K-shell photoionization of diatomic moleculesrrJL Dehmer, D DillrrPhysical Review Letters 35 (4), 213 311 1975rrShape-resonance-enhanced nuclear-motion effects in molecular photoionizationrrJL Dehmer, D Dill, S WallacerrPhysical Review Letters 43 (14), 1005 239 1979rrFixed‐molecule photoelectron angular distributionsrrD DillrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 65 (3), 1130-1133 222 1976rrResonances in photoelectron angular distributionsrrD DillrrPhysical Review A 7 (6), 1976 197 1973rrParity Unfavoredness and the Distribution of PhotofragmentsrrD Dill, U FanorrPhysical Review Letters 29 (18), 1203 132 1972rrPhotoion angular distributions in dissociative photoionization of H 2 at 304 ÅrrJL Dehmer, D DillrrPhysical Review A 18 (1), 164 129 1978rrCalculation of rotational–vibrational preionization in H2 by multichannel quantum defect theoryrrC Jungen, D DillrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (7), 3338-3345 110 1980rrSpectral variation of fixed‐molecule photoelectron angular distributionsrrD Dill, J Siegel, JL DehmerrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 65 (8), 3158-3160 105 1976rrAngular distributions of photoelectrons from H 2: Effects of rotational autoionizationrrD DillrrPhysical Review A 6 (1), 160 100 1972rrAngular distribution of molecular K-shell Auger electrons: Spectroscopy of photoabsorption anisotropyrrD Dill, JR Swanson, S Wallace, JL DehmerrrPhysical Review Letters 45 (17), 1393 99 1980rrElectron spectroscopy: theory, techniques and applicationsrrST Manson, D Dill, CR Brundle, AD BakerrrAcademic, New York 81 1978rrEffects of anisotropic electron-ion interactions in atomic photoelectron angular distributionsrrD Dill, AF Starace, ST MansonrrPhysical Review A 11 (5), 1596 75 1975rrShape resonances in e–SF6 scatteringrrJL Dehmer, J Siegel, D DillrrThe Journal of Chemical Physics 69 (11), 5205-5206 73 1978rrPolarization of fluorescence following molecular photoionizationrrED Poliakoff, JL Dehmer, D Dill, AC Parr, KH Jackson, RN ZarePhysical Review Letters 46 (14), 907




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