官方网页 科教人文:Dembo,Micah
官方网页科教人文Dembo,Micah个人资料、作品Dembo,Micah个人资料,教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 Ph.D., Biomathematics, Cornell University B.S., Mathematics, Allegheny College 研究领域
个人简历Ph.D., Biomathematics, Cornell UniversityB.S., Mathematics, Allegheny College研究领域”””Dr. Dembo’s research is in the area of cellular mechanics. This involves the characterization of the mechanical properties of living cells, the elucidation of the molecular basis of these properties and the exploitation of these properties to design systems, processes and devices for medical and industrial applications. Currently he is focusing on questions relating to the mechanics and control of the actin cytoskeleton. His work includes measurement of the forces and stresses produced by individual cells during active locomotion, finite element modeling of cytokinesis, finite element modeling of amoeboid locomotion, the role of the cytoskeleton in oncogenic transformation.”””近期论文
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