



官方网页 科教人文:Connor,JohnH.

官方网页科教人文Connor,JohnH.个人资料、作品Connor,JohnH.个人资料,副教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 Yurt A, Daaboul GG, Connor JH, Goldberg BB, Selim Ünlü M. (2012) Single nanoparticle detectors for biological applications. Nanoscale. [Epub ahead of print] Dower K, Filone CM, Hodges EN, Bjornson ZB, Rubins KH, Brown LE, Schaus S, Hensley


近期论文Yurt A, Daaboul GG, Connor JH, Goldberg BB, Selim Ünlü M. (2012) Single nanoparticle detectors for biological applications. Nanoscale. [Epub ahead of print]Dower K, Filone CM, Hodges EN, Bjornson ZB, Rubins KH, Brown LE, Schaus S, Hensley L, Connor JH. (2011) Identification of a pyridopyrimidinone inhibitor of orthopoxviruses from a diversity-oriented synthesis library. J Virol. 2011 Dec 28. [Epub ahead of print]Yen JY, Garamszegi S, Geisbert JB, Rubins KH, Geisbert TW, Honko A, Xia Y, Connor JH, Hensley LE. (2011) Therapeutics of Ebola hemorrhagic fever: whole-genome transcriptional analysis of successful disease mitigation. J Infect Dis. 204 Suppl 3:S1043-52.Yanik AA, Cetin AE, Huang M, Artar A, Mousavi SH, Khanikaev A, Connor JH, Shvets G, Altug H. (2011) Seeing protein monolayers with naked eye through plasmonic Fano resonances. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(29):11784-9. Epub 2011 Jun 29.Dower K, Rubins KH, Hensley LE, Connor JH. (2011) Development of Vaccinia reporter viruses for rapid, high content analysis of viral function at all stages of gene expression. Antiviral Res. 91(1):72-80. Epub 2011 May 5.Simpson-Holley M, Kedersha N, Dower K, Rubins KH, Anderson P, Hensley LE, Connor JH. (2011) Formation of antiviral cytoplasmic granules during orthopoxvirus infection. J Virol. 85(4):1581-93. Epub 2010 Dec 8.Dunn EF, Connor JH. (2011) Dominant inhibition of Akt/protein kinase B signaling by the matrix protein of a negative-strand RNA virus. J Virol. 85(1):422-31.Smith DR, McCarthy S, Chrovian A, Olinger G, Stossel A, Geisbert TW, Hensley LE, Connor JH. (2010) Inhibition of heat-shock protein 90 reduces Ebola virus replication. Antiviral Res. 87(2):187-94.Dunn EF, Fearns R, Connor JH. (2009) Akt inhibitor Akt-IV blocks virus replication through an Akt-independent mechanism. J Virol. 83(22):11665-72.




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