



官方网页 科教人文:Connors,LawreenH

官方网页科教人文Connors,LawreenH个人资料、作品Connors,LawreenH个人资料,副教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 Connors LH, Sam F, Skinner M, Salinaro F, Sun F, Ruberg FL, Berk JL, Seldin DC: Heart Failure Resulting From Age-Related Cardiac Amyloid Disease Associated With Wild-Type Transthyretin: A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study. Circulation,


近期论文Connors LH, Sam F, Skinner M, Salinaro F, Sun F, Ruberg FL, Berk JL, Seldin DC: Heart Failure Resulting From Age-Related Cardiac Amyloid Disease Associated With Wild-Type Transthyretin: A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study. Circulation, 133(3):282-90, 2016.Sikora JL, Logue MW, Chan GG, Spencer BH, Prokaeva TB, Baldwin CT, Seldin DC, and Connors LH: Genetic variation of the transthyretin gene in wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRwt). Hum Genet, 134 (1):111-121, 2015.Greene MJ, Klimtchuk ES, Seldin DC, Berk JL, and Connors LH: Cooperative stabilization of transthyretin by clusterin and diflunisal. Biochemistry, 54(2):268-78, 2015.Sarosiek S, Seldin DC, Connors LH, Spencer B, Murakami A, O’Hara C, and Sanchorawala V: Vertebral compression fractures as the initial presentation of AL amyloidosis: case series and review of literature. Amyloid, 22(3):156-62, 2015.Phay M, Blinder V, Macy S, Greene MJ, Wooliver DC, Liu W, Planas A, Walsh DM, Connors LH, Primmer SR, Planque SA, Paul S, and O’Nuallain B: Transthyretin aggregate-specific antibodies recognize cryptic epitopes on patient-derived amyloid fibrils. Rejuvenation Res, 17(2):97-104, 2014.Guan J, Mishra S, Qiu Y, Shi J, Trudeau K, Las G, Liesa M, Shirihai O, Connors LH, Seldin DC, Falk RH, MacRae CA, and Liao R: Impaired autophagy and lysosomal dysfunction underlie the pathogenesis of amyloidogenic light chain mediated cardiotoxicity. EMBO Mol Med, 6(11):1493-507, 2014.Reddi HV, Jenkins S, Theis J, Thomas BC, Connors LH, Van Rhee F, and Highsmith WE Jr: Homozygosity for the V122I mutation in transthyretin is associated with earlier onset of cardiac amyloidosis in the African American population in the seventh decade of life. J Mol Diagnostics, 16(1):68-74, 2014.Leung A, Nah SK, Reid W, Ebata A, Koch CM, Monti S, Genereux JC, Wiseman RL, Wolozin B, Connors LH, Berk JL, Seldin DC, Mostoslavsky G, Kotton DN, and Murphy GJ: Induced pluripotent stem cell modeling of multisystemic, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis. Stem Cell Reports, 1(5):451-63, 2013.Tanaka K, Essick EE, Doros G, Tanriverdi K, Connors LH, Seldin DC, and Sam F: Circulating matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in cardiac amyloidosis. J Am Heart Assoc, Mar 12;2(2):e005868, 2013.Guan J, Mishra S, Shi J, Plovie E, Qiu Y, Cao X, Gianni D, Jiang B, Del Monte F, Connors LH, Seldin DC, Lavatelli F, Rognoni P, Palladini G, Merlini G, Falk RH, Semigran MJ, Dec GW Jr, MacRae CA, and Liao R: Stanniocalcin1 is a key mediator of amyloidogenic light chain induced cardiotoxicity. Basic Res Cardiol, 108(5): 378, 2013.Mishra S, Guan J, Plovie E, Seldin DC, Connors LH, Merlini G, MacRae CA, and Liao R: Human amyloidogenic light chain proteins result in cardiac dysfunction, cell death and early mortality in zebrafish. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 305(1):H95-H103, 2013.Kingsbury JS, Laue TM, Chase SF, and Connors LH: Detection of high molecular weight amyloid serum protein complexes using Biological On-Line Tracer Sedimentation (BOLTS). Anal Biochem, Accepted for Publication, 2012.Connors LH, Doros G, Sam F, Badiee A, Seldin DC, and Skinner M: Clinical features and survival in senile systemic amyloidosis: comparison to familial transthyretin cardiomyopathy. Amyloid:Journal of Protein Folding Disorders, 18 (Suppl 1):157-9, 2011.Greene MJ, Sam F, Soohoo P, Patel R, Seldin DC, and Connors LH: Evidence for a functional role of the molecular chaperone clusterin in amyloidotic cardiomyopathy. J Am Path, 178(1):61-8, 2011.Hovey BM, Ward JE, Soo Hoo, O’Hara C, Connors LH, and Seldin DC: Preclinical development of siRNA therapeutics for AL amyloidosis. Gene Therapy, 18(12):1150-6, 2011.Ward JE, SooHoo P, O’Hara C, Toraldo G, Jasuja R, Guan J, Liao R, Connors LH, and Seldin DC: A transgenic mouse model of AL amyloidosis and its use in testing oral therapeutics. Blood, 118(25):6610-7, 2011.Weng L, Spencer B, Soo Hoo P, Connors LH, O’Hara C, and Seldin DC: Dysregulation of miRNAs in AL amyloidosis. Amyloid:Journal of Protein Folding Disorders, 18(3):128-35, 2011.




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