



官方网页 科教人文:Browning,JeffreyL.

官方网页科教人文Browning,JeffreyL.个人资料、作品Browning,JeffreyL.个人资料,研究教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,个人简历 Jeff Browning did his PhD training in the Biochemistry Department of the University of Wisconsin with two further postdoctoral studies in lipid membrane structure and solid state NMR in the Biophysics Department in the Biozentrum of the Unive


个人简历Jeff Browning did his PhD training in the Biochemistry Department of the University of Wisconsin with two further postdoctoral studies in lipid membrane structure and solid state NMR in the Biophysics Department in the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and in neurobiology at the University of California, San Francisco. He joined the biotechnology firm Biogen in 1984 as a research scientist in the Immunobiology Department studying TNF family members. In 2012, he moved to the Department of Microbiology of Boston University School of Medicine and holds an adjunct appointment in the Rheumatology Section.近期论文Grzegorzewska AP, Seta F, Han R, Czajka CA, Stawski L, Isenberg JS, Browning JL, and M Trojanowska. 2017. Dimethyl Fumarate ameliorates pulmonary arterial hypertension and lung fibrosis by targeting multiple pathways, Science Reports in pressNazari, B, Rice LM, Stifano G, Barron A, Wong YM, Lee J, Korndorf T, Bhawan J, Lafyatis R and JL Browning. 2016. A Pan-Dermal Fibroblast Transition in Systemic Sclerosis Skin. Am. J. Pathol. 186:2650-2664. PMID: 27565038Gardet A, Chou WC, Reynolds TL, Velez DB, Fu K, Czerkowicz JM, Bajko J, Ranger AM, Allaire N, Kerns HM, Ryan S, Legault HM, Dunstan RW, Lafyatis R, Lukashev M, Viney JL, Browning JL, and D Rabah. 2016. Pristane-Accelerated Autoimmune Disease in (SWR X NZB) F1 Mice Leads to Prominent Tubulointerstitial Inflammation and Human Lupus Nephritis-Like Fibrosis. PLoS One e0164423. PMID: 27760209Seleznik G, Seeger, H, J. Bauer J, Fu K, Czerkowicz J, Papandile A, Poreci U, Rabah D, Ranger A, Cohen CD, Lindenmeyer M, Chen J, Edenhofer I, Anders H-J, Lech M, Wüthrich RP, Ruddle NH, Moeller MJ, Kozakowski N, Regele H, Browning JL, Heikenwalder M, and S Segerer. 2015. The Lymphotoxin β receptor is a potential therapeutic target in renal inflammation. Kidney Int. 89:113-126. PMID: 26398497Lu, T and Browning, JL. 2014. Role of the Lymphotoxin/LIGHT system in in the Development and Maintenance of Reticular Networks and Vasculature in Lymphoid Tissues. Front. Immunol. 5: 47. PMID: 24575096Beinkowska, J, Goyal, J, Plavina, T, Allaire, N, Thai, A, Ranger, A, Nirula, A, O’Gorman, J, Weaver, M, Newman, C, Petri, M, Beckman, E and JL Browning. 2014. Lymphotoxin-LIGHT Pathway Regulates the Interferon Signature in Rheumatoid Arthritis. PloS One 9:e112545. PMID: 255405351Crowe, P.D., VanArsdale, T.L., Walter, B.N., Ware, C.F., Hession, C., Ehrenfels, B., Browning, J.L., Din, W., Goodwin, R.G. and C.A. Smith 2014. Pillars article: A lymphotoxin-B-specific receptor. Science. 1994. 264: 707-710. J Immunol 192: 2015-2018. PMID: 24563505Gommerman JL, Browning JL, and CF Ware. 2014. The Lymphotoxin Network: orchestrating a type I interferon response to optimize adaptive immunity. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 25:139-145. PMID: 24698108Edwards, KR, Goyal, Plavina, T, Kujawa, J, Goelz, S, Ranger, A, Diego Cadavid, D and JL Browning. 2013. Feasibility of the Use of Combinatorial Chemokine Arrays to Study Blood and CSF in MS. PLoS One 8:e81007. PMID: 24278364Browning JL. 2012 Lymphotoxin and the amazing technicolor circus of intestinal homeostasis. Mucosal Immunol. 5:228-231. PMID: 22318496McCarthy, DD, Kujawa, J, Wilson, C, Papandile, A, Poreci, U, Ward, L, Lawson, M, Macpherson, AJ, McCoy, K, Pei, Y, Julian, B, Novak, J, Ranger, A, Gommerman, JL, and JL Browning. 2011. Mice Over-expressing BAFF Develop a Commensal Flora-Dependent, IgA-Associated Nephropathy. J. Clin. Invest. 121:3991-4002. PMID: 21881212Fava RA, Kennedy SM, Wood SG, Bolstad AI, Bienkowska J, Papandile P, Kelly JA, Mavragani CP, Gatumu M, Skarstein K, Hitchmoth DL and JL Browning. 2011. Lymphotoxin-beta Receptor Blockade Reduces CXCL13 in Lacrimal Glands and Improves Tear Secretion and Corneal Integrity in the NOD Model of Sjögren’s Syndrome. Arthritis Res. Ther. 13:R182. PMID: 22044682




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