



官方网页 科教人文:vanOpijnen,Tim

官方网页科教人文vanOpijnen,Tim个人资料、作品vanOpijnen,Tim个人资料,副教授-波士顿学院-个人资料,近期论文 Van Opijnen T., and Camilli A. 2013. Transposon insertion sequencing: a new tool for systems-level analysis of microorganisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology July 11: 435-442. Van Opijnen T., and Camilli A. 2012. A fine scale phenotype-genotype


近期论文Van Opijnen T., and Camilli A. 2013. Transposon insertion sequencing: a new tool for systems-level analysis of microorganisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology July 11: 435-442.Van Opijnen T., and Camilli A. 2012. A fine scale phenotype-genotype virulence map of a bacterial pathogen. Genome Research, December 23: 2401-2413.Mann B., *Van Opijnen T., Wang J., Obert C., Wang Y.D., Carter R., McGoldrick D.J., Ridout G., Camilli A., Tuomanen E.I., Rosch J.W. 2012. Control of virulence by small RNAs in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Plos Pathogens Jul;8(7):e1002788. (* equal 1st author contribution).Van Opijnen T., and Camilli A. 2010. Genome-wide fitness and genetic interactions determined by Tn-seq, a high throughput massively parallel sequencing method for microorganisms. Current protocols in Microbiology, Chapter 1: Unit1E.3. PMID: 21053251.Van Opijnen T., Bodi K.L., and Camili A. 2009. Tn-seq: high-throughput parallel sequencing for fitness and genetic interaction studies in microorganisms. Nature Methods 6(10): 767-772. PMID: 19767758.Van Opijnen T., de Ronde, A., Boerlijst, M.C., and Berkhout B. 2007. Adaptation of HIV-1 depends on the host-cell environment. PLoS ONE 2(3): e271. PMID: 17342205.Van Opijnen T., Boerlijst, M.C., and Berkhout B. 2006. Effects of random mutations in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 transcriptional promoter on viral fitness in different Host Cell environments. J. Virology 80:6678-6685. PMID: 16775355.Van Opijnen T. and Berkhout B. 2005. The host environment drives HIV-1 fitness. Rev. Med. Virol. 15: 219-233. PMID: 15942979.Van Opijnen, T., Kamoschinski J., Jeeninga, R., and Berkhout, B. 2004. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 promoter contains a CATA box instead of a TATA box for optimal transcription and replication. J. Virology 78 (13) 6883-6890. PMID: 15194764.Van Opijnen, T., Jeeninga, R.E., Boerlijst, M.C. and Berkhout, B. 2004. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 subtypes have a distinct long terminal repeat that determines the replication rate in a host-cell-specific manner. J. Virology 78 (7) 3675-3683. PMID: 15016888.




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