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官方网页科教人文Tsung,Chia-Kuang(Frank)个人资料、作品Tsung,Chia-Kuang(Frank)个人资料,副教授-波士顿学院-个人资料,个人简历 Prof. Tsung received his B.A. degree in chemistry from the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan in 1999. After two-year mandatory military service, he began his Ph.D. study with Professor Galen D. Stucky at the University of California, Sa


个人简历Prof. Tsung received his B.A. degree in chemistry from the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan in 1999. After two-year mandatory military service, he began his Ph.D. study with Professor Galen D. Stucky at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2002 and received his Ph.D. in 2007. In October 2007, he started his joint postdoctoral research in Prof. Peidong Yang’s and Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai’s groups at the University of California at Berkeley. He joined the chemistry faculty at Boston College in the summer of 2010.rrEDUCATIONrPh.D. in Chemistry (September 2002 – September 2007)Prof. Galen D. Stucky, University of CaliforniarB.S. in Chemistry (September 1995 – June 1999)National Sun Yat-sen UniversityrrRESEARCH EXPERIENCErAssociate Professor of Chemistry [2017-Present] Boston College, Department of ChemistryrAssistant Professor of Chemistry [2010-2017] Boston College, Department of ChemistryrPostdoctoral Fellow – Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai and Prof. Peidong Yang [2007-2010] University of California, Berkeley, Department of Chemistry, and Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryrGraduate Student Researcher – Prof. Galen D. Stucky [2002-2007] University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry研究领域”””The ultimate goal of our research program is to develop high-performance catalysts to respond to the current energy crisis. Our principal strategy is to precisely control the architecture and composition of the materials at the nanoscale by the means of wet chemistry and vapor-phase deposition techniques. The projects are categorized into two directions: energy conversion heterogeneous catalysis and sunlight-driven photocatalysis. The heterogeneous catalysis studies aim to improve the stability, activity, and selectivity of heterogeneous catalysts for important industrial-type catalytic reactions. The target reactions include syngas reactions, biomass reactions, and low-temperature PEM fuel cell reactions. We also perform thorough in-situ catalytic studies over our materials via lab-based and synchrotron-based techniques. The in-situ studies of the evolution of catalysts under the reaction conditions are crucial to understand the catalytic behaviors. The photocatalysis studies aim to establish new synthetic strategies of nano-photocatalysts for optimizing solar-to-chemical energy conversions.”””近期论文Lee, H. K.; Koh, C. S. L.; Lo, W.-S.; Liu, Y.; Phang, I. Y.; Sim, H. Y. F.; Lee, Y. H.; Phan-Quang, G. C.; Han, X.; Tsung, C.-K.* ; Ling, X. Y.* Applying nanoparticle@MOF interface to activate an unconventional regioselectivity of an inert reaction at ambient conditions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020. Just Accepted [Article]rrThomas, R.; Enric, A.; Jeffery, B.*; Tsung, C.-K.* A Bioinspired Multicomponent CatalyticSystem for Converting Carbon Dioxide into Methanol Autocatalytically. Chem. 2020, ASAP [Article]rrWilliams, B.; Young, A.; Andoni, I.; Han, Y.; Lo, W.-S.;, Golden, M.; Yang, J.; Lyu L.-M.; Kuo, C.-H.; Evans, J.; Huang, W.; Tsung, C.-K.* Strain-Enhanced Metallic Intermixing in Shape-Controlled Multi-layered Core-Shell Nanostructures: Toward Shaped Intermetallics. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 2-9. [Article]rrRedfern, L. R.; Lo, W.-S.; Dillingham, I. J.; Eatman, J. G.; Mian, M. R.; Tsung, C.-K.; Farha, O. K.* Enhancing Four-Carbon Olefin Production from Acetylene over Copper Nanoparticles in Metal-Organic Frameworks. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020. Just Accepted [Article]rrZhong, H.; Lo, W.-S.; Man, T.; Williams, B.; Li, D.; Chen, S.-Y ; Pei, H.; Li, L.*; Tsung, C.-K.* Stabilizing DNAzymes through Encapsulation in a Metal–Organic Framework. Chem. Eur J., 2020, Accepted Manuscript. doi:10.1002/chem.202002178 [Article]rrWilliams, B.; Yaguchi, M.; Lo, W.-S.; Kao, C.-R.; Lamontagne , L.; Sneed, B. ; Brodsky, C.; Chou, L.-Y.; Kuo, C.-H.*; Tsung, C.-K.* Investigating Lattice Strain Impact on the Alloyed Surface of Small Au@PdPt Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 8687–8692. [Article]rrRebuffi, L.; Mukherjee, B.; Siboni, S.; Young, A.; Williams, B.; Tsung, C-K.; Scardi, P.* Surface softening in palladium nanoparticles: effects of a capping agent on vibrational properties. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 5876-5887 [Article]rrLiao, Y.-T.; Nguyen, V. C.; Nozomu, I.; Young, A.; Tsung, C.-K.*; Wu, C.-W.* Engineering a homogeneous alloy-oxide interface derived from metal-organic frameworks for selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid. Appl. Catal. B- Environ. 2020. 27, 118805. [Article]rrLiu, X.-Y. + ; Lo, W.-S.; Wu, C.; Williams, B.; Luo, L.; Li, Y.; Chou, L.-Y.; Lee, Y.; Tsung, C.-K.* Tuning Metal-Organic Framework Nanocrystal Shape through Facet-Dependent Coordination. Nano Lett. 2020. 20, 3, 1774-1780. [Article]rrLuo, L.; Lo, W.-S.; Si, X.; Li, H.; Wu, Y.; An, Y.; Zhu, Q.; Chou, L.-Y.* ; Li, T.* ; Tsung, C.-K.* Directional Engraving within Single Crystalline Metal–Organic Framework Particles via Oxidative Linker Cleaving. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 20365−20370. [Article]rrLiu, X.-Y.; Xing, K.; Li, Y.; Tsung, C.-K.* ; Li, J.* Three Models To Encapsulate Multicomponent Dyes into Nanocrystal Pores: A New Strategy for Generating High-Quality White Light. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 14807-14813. [Article]rrWei, T.-H.; Wu, S.-H.; Huang, Y.-D.; Lo, W.-S.; Williams, B. P.; Chen, S.-Y.; Yang, H.-C.; Hsu, Y.-S.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Chen, X.-H.; Kuo, P.-E.; Chou, L.-Y.* ; Tsung, C.-K.* ; Shieh, F.-K.* Rapid mechanochemical encapsulation of biocatalysts into robust metal–organic frameworks. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 5002. [Article]rrLuo, J.+; Li, Y.+; Zhang, H.; Wang, A.; Lo, W.-S.; Dong, Q.; Wong, N.; Povinelli, C.; Shao, Y.; Chereddy, S.; Wunder, S.; Mohanty, U.; Tsung, C.-K.*; Wang, D.* A Metal–Organic Framework Thin Film for Selective Mg2+ Transport. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 15313-15317. [Article]rrLiu, X.-Y.; Li, Y.; Tsung, C.-K.; Li, J.* Encapsulation of yellow phosphors into nanocrystalline metal–organic frameworks for blue-excitable white light emission. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 10669-10672. [Article]rrWu, C.; Chou, L.-Y.; Long, L.; Si, X.; Lo, W.-S.; Tsung, C.-K.* ; Li, T.* Structural Control of Uniform MOF-74 Microcrystals for the Study of Adsorption Kinetics. Acs Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 35820-35826. [Article]rrGoh, T. W.; Tsung, C.-K.; Huang, W.* Spectroscopy Identification of the Bimetallic Surface of Metal–Organic Framework-Confined Pt–Sn Nanoclusters with Enhanced Chemoselectivity in Furfural Hydrogenation. Acs Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 23254-23260. [Article]rrChoi, S.-I.; Young, A.; Lee, S. R.; Ma, C.; Luo, M.; Chi, M.; Tsung, C.-K.*; Xia, Y. Pd@Rh core–shell nanocrystals with well-defined facets and their enhanced catalytic performance towards CO oxidation. Nanoscale Horizons. 2019, 4, 1232-1238. [Article]rrChen, M.; Han, Y.; Goh, T. W.; Sun, R.; Maligal-Ganesh, R. V.; Pei, Y.; Tsung, C.-K.; Evans, J. W.*; Huang, W.* Kinetics, energetics, and size dependence of the transformation from Pt to ordered PtSn intermetallic nanoparticles. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 5336-5345. [Article]rrLi, Z.; Rayder, T. M.; Luo, L.; Byers, J. A.* ; Tsung, C.-K.* Aperture-Opening Encapsulation of a Transition Metal Catalyst in a Metal–Organic Framework for CO2 Hydrogenation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 26, 8082-8085. [Article]rrLiu, X. Y.; Zhang, F. R.; Goh, T. W.; Li, Y.; Shao, Y. C.; Luo, L. S.; Huang, W. Y.; Long, Y. T.; Chou, L. Y.; Tsung, C. -K.* Using a Multi-Shelled Hollow Metal–Organic Framework as a Host to Switch the Guest-to-Host and Guest-to-Guest Interactions. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 2018, 57, 2110. [Article]rrKaneti, Y. V.; Dutta, S.; Hossain, M. S. A.; Shiddiky, M. J. A.; Tung, K. L.; Shieh, F. K.; Tsung, C. K.; Wu, K. C. W.; Yamauchi, Y.* Nanoarchitectured Design of Porous Materials and Nanocomposites from Metal‐Organic Frameworks. Adv. Mater. 2018, 29. [Article]




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