官方网页 科教人文:Co,Elizabeth
官方网页科教人文Co,Elizabeth个人资料、作品Co,Elizabeth个人资料,讲师-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 McIntyre M, Co E, Thompson M, Spilios K (2015) Matching Pedagogy and Content: Should What You Teach Influence How You Teach It. Journal of College Science Teaching. Submitted. Co, E. with Oppelt, S (2015) BI 114 Lab Manual, Human Infectious D
近期论文McIntyre M, Co E, Thompson M, Spilios K (2015) Matching Pedagogy and Content: Should What You Teach Influence How You Teach It. Journal of College Science Teaching. Submitted.Co, E. with Oppelt, S (2015) BI 114 Lab Manual, Human Infectious Disease.Co, E. (2014) BI 114 Lab Manual, Human Infectious Disease.Co E, and Pasino D (2013) BI 105 Lab Manual, Fundamentals of Biology for the Heath Sciences.Co E, Gormley M, Kapidzic M, Rosen DB, Stlop HAR, Scott MA, McMaster M, Lanier LL, Barcena A., Fisher SJ (2013) Maternal decidual macrophages inhibit NK cell killing of invasive cytotrophoblasts during human pregnancy. Biol Reprod, 88(6):155, 1–9.Mackewicz C, Yuan J, Tran P, Diaz L, Mack E, Selsted M, Levy J (2003) α-Defensins can have anti-HIV activity but are not CD8 cell anti-HIV factors. AIDS. 17: F23-32.Li JZ, Mack EC, Levy JA (2003) Virucidal efficacy of soap and water against human immunodeficiency virus in genital secretions. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 47 (10): 3321-2.
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