



官方网页 科教人文:Cappione,JenniferSnyder

官方网页科教人文Cappione,JenniferSnyder个人资料、作品Cappione,JenniferSnyder个人资料,助理教授-波士顿大学-个人资料,近期论文 Snyder-Cappione J.E., D.F. Nixon, J.C. Chi, M.T. Nguyen, C.K. Kirby, J.M. Milush, and L.L. Koth. 2013. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell exhaustion in sarcoidosis. Eur. J. Immunol. 43:2194-205 2013. PMID: 23661497 Tincati C, A.J. Cappion


近期论文Snyder-Cappione J.E., D.F. Nixon, J.C. Chi, M.T. Nguyen, C.K. Kirby, J.M. Milush, and L.L. Koth. 2013. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell exhaustion in sarcoidosis. Eur. J. Immunol. 43:2194-205 2013. PMID: 23661497Tincati C, A.J. Cappione, and J.E. Snyder-Cappione. 2012. Distinguishing Latent from Active Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection Using Elispot Assays: Looking Beyond Interferon-gamma. Cells 1:89-99. PMID: 24710416Snyder-Cappione J.E., C. Tincati, I.G. Eccles-James, A.J. Cappione, L.C. Ndhlovu, L. Koth, and D.F. Nixon. 2010. A comprehensive ex vivo functional analysis of human NKT cells reveals production of MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta, a lack of IL-17, and a Th1-bias in males. PLoS One 5:e15412. PMID: 21082024Milush J.M., B. Long, J.E. Snyder-Cappione, A.J. Cappione, V.A. York, L.L. Lanier, J. Michaëlsson, and D.F. Nixon. 2009. Functionally distinct subsets of human NK cells and monocyte/DC-like cells identified by co-expression of CD56, CD7, and CD4. Blood 114:4823-31. PMID: 19805616Snyder-Cappione J.E., C.P. Loo, K.I. Carvalho, C. Kuylenstierna, S.G. Deeks, F.M. Hecht, M.G. Rosenberg, J.K. Sandberg, E.G. Kallas, and D.F. Nixon. 2009. Lower cytokine secretion ex vivo by NKT cells in HIV-infected individuals is associated with higher CD161 expression and duration of infection. AIDS 23:1965-70. PMID: 19590406Rebhahn J.A., C. Bishop, A.A. Divekar, K. Jiminez-Garcia, J.J. Kobie, F.E. Lee, G.M. Maupin, J.E. Snyder-Cappione, D.M. Zaiss, T.R. Mosmann. 2008. Automated analysis of two- and three-color fluorescent Elispot (Fluorospot) assays for cytokine secretion. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 92:54-65. PMID: 18644656Snyder-Cappione J.E., D.F. Nixon, C.P. Loo, J.M. Chapman, D.A. Meiklejohn, F.F. Melo, P.R. Costa, J.K. Sandberg, D.S. Rodrigues, and E.G. Kallas. 2007. Individuals with Pulmonary Tuberculosis have lower levels of circulating CD1d-restricted NKT cells. J. Infec. Dis. 195:1361-1364. PMID: 17397008Moll M., J. Snyder-Cappione, G. Spotts, F.M. Hecht, J.K. Sandberg, and D.F. Nixon. 2006. Expansion of CD1d-restricted NKT cells in patients with primary HIV-1 infection treated with interleukin-2. Blood 107:3081-3083. PMID: 16368878Snyder-Cappione J.E., A.A. Divekar, G.M. Maupin, X. Jin, L.M. Demeter, and T.R. Mosmann. 2006. HIV-Specific Cytotoxic Cell Frequencies Measured Directly Ex Vivo by the Lysispot Assay Can Be Higher or Lower Than the Frequencies of IFN-{gamma}-Secreting Cells: Anti-HIV Cytotoxicity Is Not Generally Impaired Relative to Other Chronic Virus Responses. J. Immunol. 176:2662-2668. PMID: 16456029Snyder, J.E. and T.R. Mosmann. 2003. How to “spot” a real killer. Trends Immunol. 24:231. PMID: 12738412Snyder J.E., W.J. Bowers, A.M. Livingstone, F.E. Lee, H.J. Federoff, and T.R. Mosmann. 2003. Measuring the frequency of mouse and human cytotoxic T cells by the Lysispot assay: independent regulation of cytokine secretion and short-term killing. Nat. Med. 9:231-235. PMID: 12539041Snyder J.E., N.M. Filipov, P.J. Parsons, and D.A. Lawrence. 2000. The efficiency of maternal transfer of lead and its influence on plasma IgE and splenic cellularity of mice. Toxicol. Sci. 57:87-94. PMID: 10966514




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